Teaching is the most important job in the world. Every child and adult needs education. Most people of influence in this world such as doctors, celebrities, and politicians, once went to school and were taught by a teacher. Teaching is something that is remembered by you and generations to come. Unfortunately. some teachers have such a negative impact on young people and then they carry that resentment into their adult life. As well as they also struggle to develop a student’s passion for what they love and provide the necessary skills for them to embark the world. I believe it’s often understated how important it is for a teacher to help a student. There are many teachers, that have hands down, changed my life and I wish them absolutely nothing but the best in their life. A great teacher in secondary school, inspired me to start writing poems and then it turned into music, this is why I am here today and this is why I wake up. It’s my purpose, rich or not. She was my English teacher in secondary school. I haven’t spoken to her in years, if she ever reads this, I thank her profusely, for believing in me, when others did not and for seeing something I never saw in myself. This is an example of how important it is to have great teachers. They can inspire and keep people in check. For me, when I start teaching music, I aim to have an understanding of what people need from me and look for ways that can help them. I want to be the person remembered for inspiring them or being in their corner when others are not.
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