Now I’ve got your attention. I still agree with my statement, it’s easy on the surface. However, like most things, some people can take it to new levels and challenge other musicians.
If comparing it to singing, singing is hands down harder because of vocal accuracy, emotion and recording techniques (stacking, comping, etc.) Now, it’s not to say rapping is a picnic for everyone. You need confidence, breath control, and a huge emphasis on flow. Storytelling and rhyme schemes are at the forefront.
It’s too easy, the available flows we know, have been around for years. Anyone can copy and play it safely. It’s mainstream after all. There’s no key you need to worry about staying on, odd quirks are welcomed with adlibs, to help build a track. No need to comp the best takes as much, you can get it in very few takes. Delivery is vital but less detrimental, if you don’t have the right delivery when rapping, the words and flow can be your crutch.
I’m not complaining cause one thing I will always say. Rapping is not for everyone, only because it’s a cultural thing. You have to understand your culture. It’s not race at all. Every culture is unique, as long as you understand it and respect it, you will sound right when rapping. If not, you’ll come across as inauthentic and insufferable.
If you ever want to rap, just understand the culture and believe in everything you say, even if it is outrageous.
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