Boredom is important

Imagine being in a world where you never get bored…. Sounds ideal right? No. Cause think about it not being bored means you’re always satisfied, and let’s say your standards are low. Then that’s what it’s gonna be like forever. The best artists and athletes embrace boredom in what they do. Shoot thousands of free throws. Play the same piece hundreds of times. What does that do? It hones in your fundamentals. Then after you’ve been bored doing the same thing, you find ways to spice it up—new ways to attack your goals. I’ll give two examples; let’s do football and music theory.


Remember when we were kids, we played football out in the park night and day? It was all fun till we got bored of playing the exhibition. We then went to play for a football club or our school football team. I played for Dulwich Hamlets when I was a kid, playing as much as I could, even though I hurt my hamstring here and there it was great fun. And gave me a chance to do something useful to me. Being bored made me chase something new. Look at the skills you learnt on the pitch, them step-ups, rabonas, elasticos, rainbow flicks. You didn’t learn them from just being satisfied, you got bored of doing the same thing, so you learn something new and challenging. Boredom is an opportunity to switch it up.

Music Theory

For anyone new doing music, (specifically piano), if you wanna play an 11-chord, you just play the root in the left hand and then in your right play the tone below as a major. Eg. Play C in the left hand and then Bb major in your right. Tada, you got a C11 chord, jazzy and simple. It’s cool but hella boring if you just play that one chord in the same key all the time. So what do you do when you’re bored? You take it through all 12 keys. Now you can use it for whatever you want. Then what happens when you get bored of just playing root position? You then learn different inversions and then you have a greater understanding of what you play, why you’re playing it and how it sounds. Your boredom has challenged you and made you better for it. And it doesn’t stop there, you can do way more… this blog is long enough as is.

So back to the question, is it better to be bored or be not be bored? Lemme know, down below


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