Uni isn’t s*** (except when it is)

27 THOUSAND FLIPPING POUNDS, that I’ve never seen before, somehow I’m in debt (apparently). I’m tired of you man hating on university. Now granted, it’s daunting, there’s a lot of work and you have to actually balance work life, family life and education… But, let’s be honest, what else are you doing ideally to support your dreams? Sleeping and working, only for money you spend on amazon or stuff you don’t need? When, best case scenario, you could get the skills or opportunities needed for your dream via uni and then increase your earning potential? I’ll take that.

Now, again I ain’t stupid, they could rig the facts to best suit their agenda (the government). However, in my personal life, I have seen a direct correlation between those that went to university and those who did not. Safe to say, university can be an asset because employers are really cutthroat and you need every advantage possible just to get the job!

I’ve grown up ever since I’ve attended UWL, I got piano lessons that further helps me create music you’ll love, I have taken on chances by performing and hell, even studying the business from distribution and weighing my options for marketing. I will make it, and university put me on some serious game as well as my partner (shoutout wifey!). It’s just up to me and to you, if you want to apply it.

That’s the only catch, university can pass us by and we can say it was s***, or we could take advantage and lock in. The degree is just decoration to me, I mainly want it, to make my parents proud and so I can work in other countries such as the USA (cause of their green card policies). I’m not as shook to embark the world as I was once before, so with God’s grace you and I will get there.

Now, my 3 negatives for uni:

Debt: It doesn’t exist just yet, but it’s just an extra thing that gets taken once you start earn more and looming in the back of your mind. Cause we don’t like owing people or things.

Schoolwork: Tell me why I have 3 assignments due in one month… crazy. But it just means you must start a month in advance.

Travel and finance: If you drive in London to go uni, say goodbye to your SFE. Your petrol money expenses… through the roof. Mileage, through the roof. Do not recommend. By the way, tfl prices are not bad when looking in retrospect, we would rather it be free, let’s be honest.

All in all, University is not needed to be successful, but it could be for you only if you apply yourself. If not, then that’s cool. Lectures are boring regardless.



150 150 Cliffs

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