Hear me out, schedules are good if you’re a busy, busy person running businesses… but if you’re just going through your day randomly. Just stop. Schedules don’t usually take emergencies into account, cause we expect things to go as planned. But if you know life by now, anything can happen or throw you off, so I don’t believe it makes sense to have one. I see life as a video game, mainly cause I don’t play my PS5 as much, too busy myself. We have set objectives to do, to progress. GTA, as an example. you usually have to complete the objectives as set out to complete the mission, translate that same approach into your everyday. Write a list of things you generally need to do. Don’t put the obvious like go to bed, eat dinner, go to work. Write things such as:
1. Practise _____ skills.
1. Stretch for 15 min using _____.
1. Read _______ and write notes.
1. Apply for _____ job.
I write everything as a 1, so you see each thing as important, no deviating cause anything you push back, you need to do the next day ontop of your responsibilites you have set up. Lists are also great because there’s no pressure to do at a certain time, as long as it is done, you can tick it off and feel fulfilled knowing you addressed your problem and sorted it. Life is stressful as is, let’s not put things off, let’s figure it out.
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