I don’t like pensions

Scam. Gone are the days where retirement is simple and organised. Here are the days of uncertainty. Did you know that if your pension company go bankrupt, your money is gone. All that hard work down the drain. Second of all, who guarantees you’ll be alive until that age? Not to sound bleak, we do live in times of uncertainty. If you haven’t sorted out who the money gets sent to… Then that money goes back to the government. I say just run us that money now. All jokes aside, I ain’t dumb, the actual reasoning for a pension is to protect you for when you declare retirement, because you wouldn’t be working. Most people will work a 9-5 their whole lives and that’s their only means of income and when you don’t work anymore, they won’t just pay you cause you done a great job 20 years ago. It’s money compounded by the work you do, to ensure you can live a fulfilled life for the next couple years (decades). One more thing… it’s not enough! Let’s say you’re single, you need a minimum of £14,000 (just get by) or a max of £43,100 a year (be chilling). These are facts stated by Retirement Living Standards. Now if you’re a couple you would ideally need £60,000 a year to be comfortable. Point being, pensions are cool and all, but I would not want to rely on that only. Guess I need to create some serious value in this world. That’s my rant. I would say check out Minority Mindset’s interview with Steven Bartlett, I watched the whole thing even though I got a s*** attention span. I’m out.

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